Get Your Institution Certified

People trust educational and training institutions with our future. They are supposed to produce eligible and qualified candidates for various professions, but how do we know that they deliver quality education and are well-equipped to run an educational institution. This job of checking, inspecting, training, and assisting a private educational institution in providing quality education lies with a Quality Assurance Agency.

Edu trust is one such agency specializing in Quality assurance for private institutions. Running an institution is not just about education alone; it has many components, and Edutrust helps you in the smooth functioning of your institution.

Departments Functioning in a school


The first step is to identify the key goals and purpose of the institution, then find the weak areas where it needs improvement and vital areas that are to be highlighted. Edutrust assists you in devising a plan to carry out all these actions strategically.

Human Resource

Teaching is not the only job in educational institutions; there are varied job profiles to be filled in an institution. Choosing the right candidate and training them to work for the institution is critical to the smooth functioning of the management.


Educational Institutions are a place where many people study, and there is a need to manage massive databases. Records of every student and their studies should be maintained and updated regularly, and there is also the need for accounting software, payslip generation for the employees, and inventory management. The IT department of the institution does the development of software and maintenance of records.


Choosing eligible teachers is the pinnacle of providing quality education. The candidates must be experienced and talented and should know to tackle students and handle them with care.


These are the significant departments where an institution needs assistance to qualify as a world-class institution. edutrust certification program has all of these covered. Their training and guidance can help you, an institute founder, run it smoothly.